General Information

Full Name Rahul Manavalan
Age 25
Languages English, German

Academic Interests

  • Scientific Computing
    • Waveform relaxation
    • Outer Loop Applications
    • Surrogates for PDEs
    • Linear / Non-linear Model Order Reduction
  • Quantum Chemistry
    • Actively learned Machine Learning Potentials
    • Coarse Grained Modeling
    • Parallel in time molecular dynamics
  • Waveform Inversion
    • Latent space inversion
    • Bayesian state estimation
    • Fully probablistic wave solvers
  • Probabilistic numerics
    • Numerical integration of ODEs
    • Gamblet transforms for multigrid methods
    • Gaussian process discretization of PDEs


  • 2024-2029
    Lund University
    • SciML for stochastic dynamical systems.
  • 2022-2024
    Student Researcher
    Technical University of Munich
    • Full waveform inversion using Neural Operators.
  • 2021-2022
    Student Researcher
    Technical University of Munich
    • Multifidelity Gaussian Process surrogates.
  • 2019-2020
    Associate Software Engineer
    Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions.
    • Systems simulation
    • Product design

Research Stays

  • 2021
    Student Researcher
    Forschungszentrum Juelich
    • High performace tensor network contraction with TCL.


  • 2024-2029
    Doctoral candidate in Mathematical Statistics
    Lund University
    • Advanced Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes.
    • Numerical analysis for high dimensional PDEs.
    • Uncertainity quantification.
  • 2020-2023
    Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering (1.4/1.0)
    Technical University of Munich
    • Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing.
    • Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning.
    • Quantum Information and Tensor Networks.
  • 2023
    Autumn School on Scientifc Machine learning
    Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Universiteit van Amsterdam
    • Closure models.
    • Model order reduction, Operator inference.
    • Sparse regression, Systems identification.
    • Neural fields, Equivariant/Invariant neural networks.
    • Neural ODEs, Adjoint methods, Automatic-differentiation.
  • 2022
    Summer School on Density Functional Theory
    Sorbonne Université, Paris
    • Numerical Methods in DFT
    • Convergence and error bounds
    • Differentiable and scalable softwares
  • 2014-2019
    Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (1.7/1.0)
    Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
    • Metallurgical Physics.
    • Continuum Mechanics.
    • Design of Machine Elements and Product Design.

Open Source Projects

  • 2021-now
    • High performance ordinary differential equation (ODE) and differential-algebraic equation (DAE) solvers, including neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) and scientific machine learning (SciML)
  • 2023-now
    • A collection of 2D linear PDEs for Scientific Machine learning.

Academic Communities

  • 2023
    SIAM Munich Chapter
    Technical University of Munich
    • Principal Founding member.